Supply Chain Michael Davidson (centre) met with Linda Davies, Paul Johnston and Paul’s son
Billy from Merryport Bananas during a recent visit North.
Since featuring in the December issue of Australian Bananas, the Foodbank team has continued to work proactively with the banana supply chain to gain a better understanding of the on farm, distribution and ripening processes. You might have spotted the team at this year’s Banana Congress or during their visits to a number of growers and supply chain partners in the Mareeba, Innisfail and Tully regions in June.
With bananas being the high demand, nutritious and versatile fruit they are, Foodbank is keen to understand and explore how they can work with industry to establish and source a regular and sustainable supply of bananas. The goal is to ensure this important fruit is available to vulnerable families and school children all over the country who would otherwise go without.
More than 40% of Foodbank’s total volume of food and groceries is distributed into rural and regional areas, so Foodbank is working hard to align all of the pieces at each touchpoint in the chain, including on farm, transport and ripening. This would allow the not-for-profit to provide a regular supply of fresh, nutritious bananas to communities in every state. Foodbank gave a huge thanks to all growers and organisations that currently support their work and to those who were so welcoming and happy to answer questions at recent events and visits.
If you would like to find out more about the Foodbank National Banana Program and how you could get involved in any capacity please contact Jacqui Payne – supplychain@foodbank.org.au