Latest media releases from the Australian Banana Growers’ Council.
Media Contacts
Amy Spear
Skye Orsmond
Communications Officer
Email SkyeGlenn Johns
PANAMA TR4 Communications and Engagement Officer
Email GlennWangan growers recognised as Australian biosecurity champions
Shayne and Blaise Cini, of Karden Qld Pty Ltd (trading as Edari Bananas), have been named the 2024 Australian Farm Biosecurity Producers of the Year at the Australian Biosecurity Awards.
Major milestone in the management of Panama TR4
Queensland’s ongoing management of Panama TR4 will be led by the banana industry from 1 July 2023.
Dedication and innovation recognised at Banana Congress
Outstanding contributions to Australia’s banana industry were recognised in Cairns last night, as the 2023 Banana Congress came to a close.
Big laughs, bright ideas as Banana Congress begins
Hundreds of people involved in ensuring Australians have access to their favourite yellow fruit have arrived in Cairns for the 2023 Australian Banana Industry Congress. After the success of the 2021
Banana growers part of Australian-first plastics credit scheme
An Australian-first project in Far North Queensland is removing and recycling tonnes of plastic waste from local banana farms, as part of a pioneering new plastics credit scheme. The Australian
Banana industry body names new Chair
Far North Queensland grower Leon Collins will lead the Australian Banana Growers’ Council as Chair, taking over from Stephen Lowe as of 24 April 2023. Mr Lowe had been Chair since
Funding helps banana growers continue to improve practices
North Queensland banana growers will continue to receive support to invest in the future of their farming businesses, and the health of the Great Barrier Reef, thanks to new funding
Banana growers among Reef Champions
Innovative practices and a willingness to share experience saw banana growers Ben and Matt Abbott recognised with a Reef Champion Award this week. The Reef Champion Awards are an initiative of