Job Vacancies on Banana Farms
To post your job, please email info@abgc.org.au with subject line “Job Vacancies submission”.
Please include:
Your farm name | Location | Email and contact number (this will be published) | Brief job description (15 words or less)
You can also include a website link or logo (small jpeg or png file).
Please note: While the ABGC is hosting this noticeboard to assist with worker shortages, it takes no responsibility for any employment or employees found on the site. Those seeking work are responsible for making contact with any person or company they are interested in. Should you like your details removed, please contact info@abgc.org.au and it will be attended to ASAP.

North Queensland

Enviro Choice - Earth’s Choice
Job Description: General farm hands needed, including packers, stackers and sorters.
Location: Innisfail
Company: Enviro Choice – Earth’s Choice
Contact: qualityassurance@barfre.com.au

Good Life Organics
Job Description: Packing Staff (working inside a shed) and Field Staff (harvesting and crop maintenance).
Location: Innisfail
Company: Good Life Organics
Contact: matrobabb@gmail.com or 0427027253

Costa Bananas
Job Description: Bagging machine operators, farm hands and shed staff needed.
Location: Tully and Walkamin
Company: Costa Bananas
Contact: Angeline Mulder
Angeline.mulder@costagroup.com.au or 0448 983 864

Kalfa Bananas
Job Description: Tractor Driver, Farm Supervisor & Field Workers & Packing Staff.
Location: Mena Creek
Company: Kalfa Bananas
Contact: admin@gbdconsulting.com.au

Rock Ridge Farming Pty Ltd
Job Description: Various banana positions, including both paddock and shed work, such as harvesting and packing bananas.
Location: Mareeba
Company: Rock Ridge Farming Pty Ltd
Contact: Visit our website and apply now –https://rockridgefarming.com/employment-opportunities/apply-now/

Alcock Bananas
Job Description: Shed workers wanted.
Location: Innisfail. (Must have own transport)
Company: Alcock Bananas
Contact: 0412 633 521

Howe Farming
Job Description: Packing shed and paddock work available.
Location: Walkamin and Mareeba
Company: Howe Farming
Contact: admin@howefarms.com or call or text Kim 0419 645 334

Red Valley Farms
Join our dynamic team for farm work, Bananas and Avocados picking and packing in Far North Queensland! Secure your spot for a 2024 start.
About the role: Various roles available including but not limited to, planting, harvesting, weeding-pruning, crop maintenance, Irrigation, Tractor operation, Bagging, Bell Injecting, Stringing, etc.
Days/Hours of work: 5-6 days per week. The hours of work may vary depending on weather conditions; however you will need to be available for early morning starts and late finishes. Start times can be from 6/7am – with finish times around 3/5pm.
Job requirements: Physically fit and capable of repetitive work Have a proven track record of reliability. Ability to work as a team. Previous experience in agriculture is highly regarded but not required. Flexibility and cooperation are a must!
Pay rate: $22.61 per hour – Horticulture Award rate Hourly/Piece rate – weekly pay
Accommodation available in Lakeland township for weekly rent ranging $120-150 per week.
Not looking to start work soon – We have work available ALL year round. Visit our website www.redvalley.com.au |

Spring Creek Produce
Job Description: Shed /Paddock Workers required. Must have own Transport.
Location: Tolga
Company: Spring Creek Produce
Contact: carly@scpfarming.com.au or 0427 619 837

Obie Fresh
Job Description: Bagging machine operators required, as well as bell injectors and cutters.
Location: Walkamin
Company: Obie Fresh
Contact: 0408769394

L&R Collins Pty Ltd
Job Description: Various positions available in Packing shed and Paddock for immediate start.
Location: Tully
Company: L&R Collins Pty Ltd
Contact: Leon Collins on 0417 725 829 or office on 07 40681268
Western Australia

Sweeter Banana Co-Operative
Job Description: Farm workers – Harvest and carrying of bunches – 25-35 kilos. Packing shed- various – sorting/grading, de-handing, packing. Must be able to commit to minimum of three months work.
Location: Carnarvon
Company: Sweeter Banana Co-Operative
Contact: info@sweeterbanana.com or 0899419100