As many of you would be aware, Australia is currently part of a global fight against the health pandemic, COVID-19 (also referred to as Coronavirus). COVID-19 is an infectious disease that affects the respiratory system. There are a number of useful links from government departments and industry groups to ensure you are well informed to help contain the spread of the virus. This information also covers your responsibilities as an employer and what measures you need to take to protect you and your workers. As you can appreciate, this is an emerging situation, which is evolving daily. ABGC will endeavour to keep growers up to date as new information becomes available.
Queensland Health

Queensland Health has a number of resources available with information about the virus and what measures can be put in place to contain its spread.
This includes posters and fact sheets about personal hygiene, stopping the spread of germs and proper handwashing techniques. These can be distributed to employees or displayed in packing sheds or other areas of your farm. The posters are available in English and other languages.
View them here
There are also cleaning and disinfection recommendations here
Queensland Heath advises that the virus is contagious if a person spends 15 minutes in a confined area with a person carrying the virus or two hours in more open spaces.
It can remain contagious on surfaces for up to 12 hours. Any employee who has worked in close proximity to a confirmed case will be at high risk of exposure.
Workplace Health and Safety and Workcover Queensland
WH&S and Workcover Queensland has released information to help you deal with COVID-19 in the workplace, your responsibilities as an employer and what measures you need to take to protect you and your workers.
Find all you need to know here
Growcom has produced a detailed fact sheet to help growers become familiar with workplace laws in relation to quarantine arrangements.
Learn more here Here
The Australian Tax Office
On 12 March 2020, the Federal Government announced its economic response to novel coronavirus (COVID-19). It includes measures targeting asset write-off, boosting cash flow for employers and stimulus payments. Subject to passage of legislation, the Australian Tax Office will implement a series of administrative measures to further assist Australians experiencing financial difficulty as a result of COVID-19.
Information here
Labour hire on farms
Agricultural groups are lobbying the Federal Government to immediately extend the visas of seasonal workers and backpackers working in the fresh produce sector, in order to ensure the coronavirus (Covid-19) does not jeopardise the ability of farmers to supply fresh fruit and vegetables for all Australians.
In the meantime, the Seasonal Worker Program information line (Department of Education, Skills and Employment) 02 6240 5234 (9am to 5pm, Monday to Friday) can provide growers with further information about accessing seasonal migrant workers.
The links listed above also appear on the ABGC website. To access, and then COVID-19 button on the homepage.