New ABGC page to advertise banana job vacancies

The Australian Banana Growers’ Council (ABGC) has launched a new page on its website for growers to advertise job vacancies on their banana farms.

The dedicated, noticeboard-style page comes as a result of continuing critical labour shortages. 

Growers interested in including their job vacancies on the page should email and include:

  • Company name
  • Jobs available
  • Location
  • Contact name and phone number
  • Email address
  • Company logo and a website link, if you would like these included.

You can view the page here:

If you have questions or comments about the site, please contact Sonia Campbell on 0428 038 330. 

Please note: While the ABGC is hosting this noticeboard to assist with worker shortages, it takes no responsibility for any employment or employees found on the site. Those seeking work are responsible for making contact with any person or company they are interested in. Should you like your details removed, please contact and it will be attended to ASAP.