Members have raised concerns about absconding workers and illegal labour hire services. Growers are encouraged to report concerns with as much detail as possible.
Border Watch
Labour Hire Licensing Compliance Unit
- 1300 576 088 general contact number – call with enquiries or to report something by phone.
- ‘Report a problem’ function online https://www.labourhire.qld.gov.au/report-problem (there is also an anonymous version of the report accessible from this page if growers want to report something anonymously).
For broader PALM scheme enquiries there is a general PALM contact: 1800 51 51 31 or palm@dewr.gov.au.
If the suspicious behaviour is potentially a criminal offence, contact the Queensland Police Service.
This issue is taken seriously and can be actioned with the provision of enough information. Here is an article of a conviction on a banana farm earlier this year: Unlicensed NQ Labour Hire Providers Convicted and Fined Total of $360,000.