Suspect Panama TR4 Samples on Tully farm

Biosecurity Queensland (BQ) has today announced a suspect Panama TR4 detection on a Tully farm.

The Australian Banana Growers Council (ABGC) urges growers to ramp up their on-farm biosecurity measures in light of the news of this suspect detection.

“The initial molecular test has come back positive.  It will be four to six weeks before the definitive test results are known,” ABGC Chair, Stephen Lowe said.

“Nonetheless, growers need to protect their farms as this TR4 risk is not going away.”

ABGC reminds banana growers to implement effective biosecurity practices, such as removing all plant material and soil from machinery and footwear before they are brought onto their farms.

The ABGC has been advised that a grower on a property near the first infected farm in Tully, recently reported a suspect plant to BQ.

Mr Lowe said that BQ took a number of samples from a part of that property which have undergone diagnostic testing over the past week in their Brisbane laboratory.

“The molecular test known as a PCR test has now come back positive for Panama TR4, and it will be several weeks before the definitive test results from a biological test are completed.

“I would like to take this opportunity to thank the property owners for their prompt response in reporting the suspect plants to authorities.  Their reporting of this is imperative to control the fungus spreading further and affecting more farms.”

“ABGC is working closely with the owners of this property to provide assistance and ensure every possible measure is taken to avoid the further spread of this soil borne disease.”

“The farm owners have isolated and stopped all access to that block,” Mr Lowe said.


Bananas remain safe to eat!


While it will be four to six weeks until definitive test results are known, there will be no impact whatsoever on fruit sold to consumers, whether the result is confirmed as positive or not.  There is also no expectation that supply will be challenged.

Mr Lowe said the pathogen impacted the banana tree/plant, not the fruit.

“What the pathogen does, is it enters the plant’s root system and restricts its uptake of water, stopping it from producing harvestable bunches and eventually killing it.  So the impact on-farm is the ability to grow that banana plant.

“As an industry it is the farm that is impacted by Panama TR4, and it very much becomes an issue of management.

“Our consumers will still receive a healthy, delicious and nutritious product and will not be affected,” Mr Lowe said.

“Bananas should very much remain first stop in the fruit shop!”


For further information on Panama TR4, log on to:

Biosecurity Queensland media release: HERE


For further comment contact:
NQ Communications Officer

Sonia Campbell

M: 0428 038 330 E: