
[abgc_title title_left=”Thrips” text_align=”1″ heading_type=”h3″]

Hosts: Leucaena glauca, Gardenia jasminoides, Casearia corymbosa, Allophylus occidentalis, coffee, Rubus fruticosus, Lawsonia alba, Schwartzia simplex, Pseudobombax spp., avocado and bananas

Affected plant part: Flowers

How it is spread: Infested plant material and machinery 

More information can be found on the Queensland Department of Agriculture website here and here. 

Permit Update

The following permit has been issued by the Australian Pesticides and Veterinary Medicines Authority (APVMA):


Permit ID


Date Issued

Expiry Date

Permit holder


Spinetoram (Success Neo) / Bananas / Banana rust thrips, Banana flower thrips, Flower eating caterpillars (Sugarcane bud moth & Scab moth) – Bell injection



Hort Innovation

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