Banana Industry Levy

Banana Levy Rate from 1 July 2019

The components of the Banana Industry Levy are currently as follows. 

Levy Amount





0.50c /kg



Plant Health Australia (PHA) levy: Mostly to repay the industry’s share of the costs of buying the first TR4 infested farm in Tully


1.69c /kg


R&D and Marketing: 0.54 c/Kg for R&D and 1.15 c/kg

for Marketing


Total = 2.19c /kg*


 ** This reduced from 2.94c/kg to 2.19c/kg from 1 July 2019.

 From 1 July 2019 the total compulsory levy was reduced by 0.75c/kg due to the abolition of the specific Emergency Plant Pest Response levy for bananas. It is now 2.19c/kg (32.85c per 15kg carton).

The Banana PHA levy is paid by the Government to Plant Health Australia. It funds the containment of the first TR4 infested farm that the industry purchased and the remaining debt for the industry’s share of the cost of the national Banana Freckle eradication program. It also funds the pre-existing commitments – Torres Straight Exotic Fruit Flies Eradication Response, PHA membership/meetings and Government levy collection.

The R&D and Marketing levies are paid to Horticulture Innovation Australia for banana projects.

Formal advice on banana levies can be seen at this link: