Feral Pigs
The Australian Banana Growers’ Council (ABGC) is committed to continuing to reduce feral pig numbers in the Tully Valley due to their significant economic, environmental and social impacts.

Feral pigs cause havoc on farms without pig management measures in place. The damage they cause to crops, property and the environment, and the potential risk they pose in spreading Panama TR4, are reasons to take action.
We are actively working with growers, other industries, government and council to cull feral pig numbers and reduce the risk of spreading TR4.
ABGC Chair and grower Leon Collins has spearheaded feral pig eradication in the Tully Valley and said, “every’s got to protect their front and back door – we’ve all got to do our bit. At the rate pigs multiply, there’s no room for complacency.”
Keeping grass and vegetation under control can help deter feral pig activity. Successful eradication methods include trapping, ground shooting and baiting. The ABGC acknowledges the significant investment of both time and money from many banana growers, and others who have worked closely (including members of the Cassowary Coast Feral Pig Executive Oversight Group) to ensure the work continues.
The numbers
Since the ABGC-led control program began in 2017, almost 8000 pigs have been removed from the Tully Valley.
- Aerial Control: 3331 pigs
- Ground control: 4450 pigs
Positive Environmental Impacts
- Increased sightings of cassowaries and their young
- Reduction in predation of turtle eggs
- Increased nesting of magpie geese
- A decrease in predation of ground nesting birds, eggs and young
- Fewer reports by cane farmers of cane damage
- Less erosion of waterholes and riverbanks
- A decrease in riparian vegetation damage
- Improved water quality due to less sedimentary run-off