Grower Members

Grower Members 

Our grower members are growers from banana-producing regions in Queensland, New South Wales, Western Australia and the Northern Territory. Under ABGC’s Rules, the legal owner or owners of a banana plantation in Australia with at least half a hectare of bananas under production (Commercial Banana Plantation Owner) may apply to become a member of ABGC.

Growers wanting to become members must complete and submit a Grower Membership Application Form.

Growers Members pay a fee of 0.22c/kg (that is, $0.0022/kg) to help fund the ABGC’s work, separate to the to the national Banana Industry Levy.

The fee is payable monthly or quarterly and can be collected through the wholesaler or paid directly to ABGC.

Please note, paying the Member Fee does not automatically qualify you for ABGC membership. The application will be considered at the next quarterly Board Meeting, and the ABGC will contact you regarding your first payment after the application is received. 

[abgc_button text=”Grower Membership Application Form” link=”” target=”false” icon=”none” icon_position=”left” full_width=”false” align=”center” has_pushdown=”false” mp_style_classes=”motopress-btn-size-middle motopress-btn-rounded motopress-btn-icon-indent-small”]

Growers seeking an ABGC membership should use this

[abgc_button text=”Growers Membership Fee Remittance Form | Membership Fee Wholesaler Remittance Form” link=”” target=”false” icon=”none” icon_position=”left” full_width=”false” align=”center” has_pushdown=”false” mp_style_classes=”motopress-btn-size-middle motopress-btn-rounded motopress-btn-icon-indent-small”]

Growers paying the ABGC directly and those paying via a wholesaler should use this form