[abgc_title title_left=”Wet Tropics” title_right=”Major Integrated Project” text_align=”1″ heading_type=”h3″]
What is the Major Integrated Project (MIP)?
In the Wet Tropics, you’ll find high rainfall, high intensity coastal agriculture, and a number of major river basins feeding into the Great Barrier Reef lagoon. Because of this, the Wet Tropics is considered a water quality hot spot.
The Wet Tropics Major Integrated Project (the “MIP”) is all about putting local knowledge into reef action, and is working closely with landholders to trial a range of actions that reduce nutrient, sediment and pesticide loads reaching the reef.
It represents a $15m investment and the biggest single project contracted out by the Queensland Government. We think that is an important recognition of the value of grass roots, community led solutions that are good for the reef, and good for farmers.
The project will contribute to the progress towards Reef 2050 water quality targets. The MIP will see if by concentrating effort in hotspots, using a combination of approaches, and closely involving the community, a steeper trajectory in water quality improvement can be achieved than would otherwise occur.
-Terrain NRM
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Terrain NRM
Terrain NRM is an independent not-for-profit organisation that works with the Wet Tropics community to promote sustainable use of land and waterways, protect environmental values and support healthy, productive and viable communities and industries.
Website: www.terrain.org.au
Interactive Maps
- Johnstone Catchment Story interactive map
- Russell Catchment Story interactive map
- Tully Catchment Story interactive map
Relevant articles
- Walking the Landscape, April 2018
- Collaboration key to water quality work in the Wet Tropics, August 2017
- Workshop brainstorms water quality ideas, April 2017
[abgc_video url=”https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hO_8Gv5bkHE”]
[abgc_video url=”https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UBOodCE8XYA”]
[abgc_video url=”https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HqgYbVcaT60″]