Industry News
Banana variety expert Jeff Daniels (QDAF) takes a walk through the new variety trial at South Johnstone FNQ.
DAF Queensland Research Horticulturist Shanara Vievers presents the latest findings on the effects of early desuckering of tissue culture banana plants.
Banana variety expert Jeff Daniels (QDAF) takes a walk through the new variety trial at South Johnstone FNQ.
Banana variety expert Jeff Daniels (QDAF) takes a walk through the new variety trial at South Johnstone FNQ.
Mena Creek grower Matt Abbott studied opportunities for organic farming, including obtaining value through branding. This presentation was delivered at the 2017 Nuffield Australia National Conference.
A highlights package of the Australian Banana Packing Championships held at the Innisfail Show – July, 2016.
Panama TR4
Dr Kathy Crew and Dr John Thomas talk about their work as part of the Banana Plant Protection Program to keep Australian bananas free from virus diseases.
Juliane Henderson’s presentation on how diagnostic testing is helping to safeguard Australia’s banana industry.
Managing footwear on banana farms.
How to identify and report plants that may be infected with Panama TR4.
Panama symptoms and information on protecting your farm.
Produced by the banana industry’s National Banana Development and Extension Program.
Soil Health
Banana Nutrient Management with Sellars Bananas
Banana Soil Conservation with Darryl Evans
Soil management at Gaia’s Banana Farm
Best Management Practice
Far North Queensland Soil Conservationist, Darryl Evans has wrapped up his work with ABGC to retire to southern Queensland – but he didn’t leave without sharing his knowledge!
National Banana Roadshow
Developing a standard industry banana carton – Tristan Kitchener
International insights with banana Nuffield Scholar Paul Inderbitzin
Importing banana material and accessing new varieties – Sharon Hamill
Australian Banana Industry Congress 2021
Farmers are any number of things, on any one day. And they’ll be up at the crack of dawn to do it all again tomorrow, because they love it.
Australian Banana Industry Congress 2019
Australian Banana Industry Congress 2017
Video produced by the ABGC to officially open Congress 2017.
Nuffield Scholar Matthew Abbott talks about his Nuffield experience. The ABGC produced video was played at Congress 2017.
Day 1 Congress 2017 – Highlights package.
Day 2 Congress 2017 – Highlights package.
Day 3 Congress 2017 – Highlights package.