Growers’ e-Bulletin – 28 October 2016

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[abgc_ebulletin_title title=”Tully TR4 destruction to begin next week” tag_type=”h4″ show_hr=”false”]

The ABGC would like to advise that destruction of banana plants on the Panama Tropical Race 4 infested property at Tully will begin on Monday.

All plants on the 340 acre farm – which includes 1IP and 2SP – will be dual injected with Roundup and Confidor.

Banana weevil borers will also be destroyed, as scientists have advised that they too are a risk in spreading the TR4 fungus.

Following the broad destruction of all banana plants, borers will continue to be managed via band spraying around the boundary of each block.

The targeted plantations will not include any symptomatic plants – these and their buffer zones were destroyed following initial detection.

The ABGC has appointed a farm manager – Phil Neibling – to the property, who has been working with ABGC field officer Louis Lardi to co-ordinate security on-site, including surveillance cameras and pig-proof fencing. The fencing will be erected around the entire boundary of the property.

Earth works will be carried out to reduce soil and water run-off, from the property onto public roads.

The ABGC would like to assure growers that the farm continues to be under strict quarantine and movement on and off the site will be highly restricted, to prevent further spread of TR4 off the property.

The Council would also encourage growers to continue to do what they can to protect their own farms and report any suspect plants

[abgc_ebulletin_title title=”Reef Extension grants OPENING SOON!” tag_type=”h4″ show_hr=”true”]

The Australian Government’s Reef Trust III program is helping the banana industry to improve its soil and nutrient management by providing funding for the delivery of new extension services and a grants program to banana growers in the Wet Tropics and Cape York.

The ABGC reef extension team is happy to announce that the grants program will be open for grower applications from November 1 – December 16, 2016.

The grants are designed to assist growers to implement improved nutrient and sediment management practices on-farm. To be eligible for grants you must have recently completed or revisited your Banana Best Management Practices (BMP).

If you are interested in accessing the grants program, please contact Sarah on 0437 241 687 or email

[abgc_ebulletin_title title=”Share your Ag idea and win a trip to South Africa” tag_type=”h4″ show_hr=”true”]

Have you got a bright Ag idea? Sign up to the 2016 Future Agro Challenge (FAC) and you could win a trip to South Africa to compete at the international FAC 2017, representing Australia.

The FAC is calling for anyone involved in a new or existing innovative business strategy related to agriculture, including biodynamic and technology, to submit their entries by November 6.

The event will be open to the public and will showcase ideas to potential investors and stakeholders.

FAC will be held at the Malanda Showgrounds on the Atherton Tablelands on November 12. For further information or to register go to

[abgc_ebulletin_title title=”Stars line up for Congress 2017 – Sydney” tag_type=”h4″ show_hr=”true”]

The star line-up for the Australian Banana Industry Congress 2017 continues to grow.

Award-winning chef and TV personality Peter Kuravitus and Australian comedian, author and actor Anh Do, will be among an incredible group of speakers and presenters at the biennial event.

Meantime, if you would like to receive updates on the Sydney Congress, log onto the event website, A link to “Receive Updates” is located on the homepage.

[abgc_ebulletin_title title=”Updating our SMS and e-Bulletin database” tag_type=”h4″ show_hr=”true”]

Do you know a grower or industry provider who isn’t receiving our regular e-bulletins or SMS notices?

The ABGC would like to ensure as many growers as possible are kept informed of the latest industry activity and important information. So please spread the word that joining our SMS and e-Bulletin databases is as easy as emailing

Hope everyone has a fabulous weekend!

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