Help guide the future of variety development

The Department of Agriculture and Fisheries Queensland (DAF) will soon launch a new project aimed at protecting the banana industry from pests and diseases, well into the future.

The Improved Plant Protection for the Banana Industry (BA16001) project is  funded by Horticulture Innovation Australia (HIA), using the R & D  Banana Industry Levy, and funds from the Australian Government, with additional contributions from DAF, the New South Wales Department of Primary Industry and Northern Territory Department of Primary Industries and Resources.

Part of its charter is to  maintain the industry variety collection, manage the importation of new varieties from overseas, and negotiate with overseas breeding and evaluation programs, for access to their banana material.  Once in Australia, selected varieties are made available to the industry and new varieties are tested for productivity and pest and disease resistance. Those with best prospects are then made available to the industry for commercialisation.

This program is seeking expressions of interest from members of the banana supply chain with an interest in helping the Australian industry get the best value from their investment in variety importation, development and distribution.

If you want to be a member of this committee please provide a short summary of how you will contribute to this work on behalf of the Australian Banana Industry. Please send it to by the 21st of April.

Contact Irene Kernot or Stewart Lindsay if you have any questions about the role.