Consumers are being encouraged to dig deep and throw a few extra of Australia’s favourite supermarket fruit into the trolley to help out Australia’s banana growers.
The industry has launched a social media campaign #nana4afarmer (pronounced nah-nah for a farma) to encourage consumers to keep buying bananas – and more of them
Like most farmers, banana growers nationally are currently enduring a time of unprecedented challenge, including low returns, escalating farm input costs, COVID consumer buying challenges, worker shortages and weather events.
As it goes, banana growers have always been among the most resilient of farmers – especially when it comes to dealing with adversity like that dished out by Mother Nature.
But at the moment, our Aussie banana growers could do with a helping hand.
You can help by sharing the campaign on your socials, tagging #nana4afarmer …and keep buying banana!
We’ve made some videos and social media tiles that you are welcome to use in your support for Australian banana growers.
Thanks for your support!
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