Presentation of Haifa ‘Croptune’ app for bananas

Plant nutrient deficiency is an issue of concern for growers. 

Haifa Croptune is a unique Agro-technology software that enables the user to assess the Nitrogen uptake in a plant using a “smart” phone’s camera. So far, banana and 17 other crops can be assessed by Croptune.

Croptune has been developed in Israel by Agri I.O.T. and the software relies on speedy analysis of large data sets from the internet to provide estimates of N-uptake and the current nitrogen status of the crop.  The total Nitrogen level in the plant’s leaves is measured using the average of multiple images taken in the field.

Provided internet reception is available results are delivered immediately to the user.

Should internet be unavailable, the App will store the images for analysis once the user has connectivity.

For detailed information regarding Croptune, Haifa Australia will be available at the South Johnstone Research Station on Tuesday 8th November from 1 – 2.30pm, with a member of the Croptune development team to present the App and explain its functionality. To RSVP your attendance, please contact Molly on 0419 602 864 or email

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