NQ Grower E-bulletin – 1 August, 2023

Popular Congress presenter returning to FNQ - putting mental health in the spotlight

A special opportunity is being offered to growers on the Cassowary Coast and Atherton Tablelands, with Mate Helping Mate founder John Harper touring the region from 15-19 August.

John is a farmer and former shearer who is a passionate advocate for rural mental health. He shares his own experiences with mental wellbeing and depression to help others to identify and address these issues in themselves. He also talks about how you can identify and address mental health in family and friends.

John’s sense of humour, use of everyday language and laid-back manner, has helped rural and farming communities Australia-wide.

His presentation at Congress in May was one of the most popular in the two-day program. The interaction and response he received at Congress is the reason he is returning to the Far North, in the hope of meeting more growers and their families.

John has a unique energy and likes to interact with people in a very casual manner. Therefore, his presentations in the Far North will be very relaxed and informal.

The ABGC has organised several locations where growers and their families are welcome to meet with John, and enjoy morning tea or lunch.

These are:

Tully – Wednesday, 16 August

12pm-2pm, Tully Performance Horse Centre, 360 Tully Gorge Road

(Lunch provided)

Atherton Tablelands – Thursday, 17 August

10am-12pm, Simmonds Shed, Kydobi Country Park, 127 Hume Road, Biboohra

(Morning tea provided)

Innisfail – Friday, 18 August

12pm-2pm, 32 Henderson Drive, Wangan

(Lunch provided)

RSVPs are essential for catering purposes. Please text or call Sonia Campbell on 0428 038 330 by 11 August.

There are also additional meeting opportunities if you are a grower who would like to host John on farm. Please also contact Sonia to express your interest.

  • Please note. These meetings are free of charge for growers, your families and key staff thanks to a collaboration between the ABGC and John Harper.