Market Overview Tool
Check out
the Harvest to Home webpage for a handy visual market overview.
NFF’s Keep Farmers Farming
have launched an Australia-wide public campaign to gain support from Government
around key issues such as securing access to water, protecting farmland, giving
farmers a fair go, filling jobs, and exports.
BMP grants
Round 3 of Best Management Practice (BMP) grants is
scheduled in March/April 2024 with a focus on soil conservation and farm layout
Round 1 was held earlier in 2023 and 13 growers were supported with 50:50 funding totally $248k towards $496k of projects. This included:
- 8 machines purchased
- 7 earthworks projects
- 2 fertigation systems
Round 2 of the Fund is nearly at completion.
project is funded through the Queensland Government’s Queensland Reef Water
Quality Program (QRWQP) and delivered to growers by ABGC’s BMP team. BMPIII
includes a grant program to support growers, through financial incentives, to
improve practice which reduce sediment and/or nutrient losses from their
farms. The Fund includes $1.32M to be allocated to growers between 2023
and 2026.
For further information contact Stephanie Ruiz on 0457 924
BOM Climate Tool
BOM has a
climate tool designed to help farmers make informed decisions now to build
climate resilience for the future. Read more here or go to My Climate View and take a look for yourself.
Youtube channel has a range of useful videos including the long-range forecast for summer 2023-24. Also, MetEye now has 7-day forecasts for rainfall, wind,
temperature, storms, humidity, and more.
Rebates to improve digital
connectivity for farmers
The On Farm Connectivity Program provides eligible Equipment Suppliers with up to $30,000 rebate for sales of digital farming technology to eligible Primary Producers to help improve their connectivity and productivity.