Horticulture Award Update
ABGC is involved in discussions with other horticulture industries via the NFF Hort Council about the changes to the Hort Award.
The NFF are contesting any change from the status quo at this point. Assistance from growers, including through making statements, will be critical so if you would like to help influence outcomes in this space by providing a statement, please
let us know.
Consultation is open for the 2024-25 permanent Migration Program planning process, submissions can be made by
17 December 2023.
Further updates and to review submissions in relation to the Review of certain C14 rates in modern awards (which includes the Horticulture and Nursery Awards) is available here.
Australian Food & Grocery Code of Conduct Review
Growers who deal with major retailers are invited to inform a submission on the Australian Food and Grocery Code of Conduct (AFGC) review which is scheduled to be automatically repealed on 1st April 2025. Prior to this, the review will determine whether the Code remains fit for purpose.
The AFGC is a prescribed voluntary code under the Competition and Consumer Act 2010 and was introduced to:
- improve transparency and certainty in the commercial dealings between retailers, wholesalers and suppliers, and
- provide an effective process for parties to resolve disputes.
The review will:
- Assess the effectiveness of the Code provisions in achieving the purpose of the Code to improve the commercial relationship between retailers, wholesalers and suppliers in the grocery sector, and
- Consider the need for the Code, including whether it should be remade, amended or repealed.
Regarding the purpose of the code, the review will look at:
- The impact of the Code in improving commercial relations between grocery retailers, wholesalers and suppliers;
- Whether the Code’s provisions should be extended to other retailers or wholesalers operating in the food and grocery sector;
- Whether the Code should be made mandatory; and
- Whether the Code should include penalties.
ABGC is working with other horticulture commodities via the Hort Council in this space.
To make the Code support a more even distribution of power, the submission of stories and evidence of growers’ experiences dealing with retailers is important.
Growers can contribute by writing to members@abgc.org.au with case studies and examples that we can use to support necessary changes to the AFGC. ABGC will work with you to ensure information is accurate and protected.
Independent Reviewer’s Annual Report into the Australian Food & Grocery Code
The 2022-23 Annual Report of the Independent Reviewer of the Food and Grocery Code summarises the issues and complaints about retailer behaviour raised by suppliers, and includes annual survey results.
Migration Strategy Released
The National Farmers’ Federation says
the Migration Strategy released on 11th December has some wins for
farmers, but overall won’t solve the industry’s workforce woes. Read the
full media release here.