The Australian Pesticides and Veterinary Medicines Authority (APVMA) has just informed the industry of the extension of PER14240V5 for Chlorpyrifos / Bananas / Sugarcane bud moth, Banana scab moth, Banana rust thrips, Caterpillars, Mealy bugs.
See below:

The permit can be viewed here:
Please be advised that this permit has been issued for a period of one year only. This limited period reflects the ongoing chemical review for chlorpyrifos.
Based on the currently proposed regulatory decision, this use may not be available moving forward. You are encouraged to search for alternative chemical options for the use pattern under this permit in the case it becomes unavailable.
The expected final decision on the use of this product is expected in July 2024, at which time details of any potential phase out will be made known.
More information:
Bunch spray forum is being held in June at South Johnstone
Don’t miss your opportunity to participate!

To assist growers with the switch to bunch spraying a forum is being held that will include:
- Grower experiences – growers sharing their knowledge and first-hand experiences managing bunch pests with bunch spraying, including different spray equipment and other management considerations.
- Overview of the chlorpyrifos review.
- Pesticide options for managing bunch pests without chlorpyrifos.
- Chemical stewardship and resistance management.
- Update on fruit fungal diseases.
Event details:
Friday 21 June 2024 | 9.30am – 12.30pm followed by lunch.
Department of Agriculture and Fisheries | Centre for Wet Tropics Agriculture
Experimental Station Road, Boogan – Conference room
Reserve your spot! Please RSVP by Monday 17 June by contacting:
Tegan Cavallaro – or 0459 846 053.
Ingrid Jenkins – 0497 801 980.
These extension events are funded as part of the National Banana Development and Extension Program (BA19004). This project is funded by Hort Innovation, using the Hort Innovation banana research and development levy, co-investment from the Queensland Department of Agriculture and Fisheries and contributions from the Australian Government. Hort Innovation is the grower-owned, not-for-profit research and development corporation for Australian horticulture.