Growers’ e-bulletin – 22 December, 2023

Eligible banana growers who have suffered direct damage from Tropical Cyclone Jasper and flooding will be able to apply for grants up to $75,000.

The announcement was made this afternoon (22 December) in a joint statement by the Federal and Queensland Governments.

$25 million has been allocated for Extraordinary Recovery Grants for primary producers, as part of package worth around $64 million overall.

The grants are designed to assist with short-term recovery needs and will be administered by the Queensland Rural and Industry Development Authority (QRIDA).

Grants are available in the following LGAs: Cairns, Cassowary Coast, Cook, Douglas, , Hinchinbrook, Mareeba, Tablelands.

You can read the full media release online.

As more information comes to hand, we will add it to the ABGC website here: INFO FOR BANANA GROWERS

You can also keep an eye on the QRIDA page for detail around eligibility and the application process.


With recovery works already under way in some places, remember to :

  • Take photos and videos of any damage
  • Keep any receipts or records used in your clean-up/recovery