The skyrocketing cost of production is an ongoing and critical issue for growers and, as such, a top priority for the Australian Banana Growers’ Council.
What ABGC is doing
In addition to ABGC’s own work raising awareness around the realities of banana farming, the ABGC are also part of the National Farmers’ Federation Hort Council which allows us to have a more powerful voice on issues facing growers, including the high cost-of-production and low returns.
In June, the ABGC Board approved:
A cost-of-production spreadsheet to be provided to Grower Members, to help calculate current data. This will be solely a tool for growers, to be used at their own discretion.
A voluntary, anonymous survey to be sent to those growers, asking to share only a final cost-of-production figure as well as some basic information (for example, farm size and growing region).
Grower members will receive further details on these items.