Panama TR4 Business Case

The Case for a TR4 Five Year Control & Containment Program

This Australian Banana Growers’ Council Business Case discusses the rationale for the industry and the Queensland Government to invest in the TR4 Program for the future.

It includes discussion on: 

  • the ACIL Allen Review of the Tropical Race 4 (TR4) Program, which the ABGC has considered, and which the Government is expected to release this week;
  • the elements of the TR4 Program; and
  • the way forward to ensure a solid TR4 Five Year Control and Containment Program.

The full Business Case is available to download by clicking the link below. 

[abgc_pdf heading=”READ THE BUSINESS CASE” url=”” heading_type=”H4″ magazine_view=”true” show_download_button=”true” download_text=”Download this resource” use_media_background_image=”true”]