24 March, 2022
Rising input costs impacting growers
Check in with market agents
Volunteers needed for Feast of the Senses banana stall – Sunday 27 March, 2022
Panama TR4 Program Management Board meeting report
Free sediment management workshops for FNQ growers
AgMove subsidies available
Nematode trial support on offer in FNQ
2023 Nuffield Scholarship applications open
Exclude first treat second: Set up your farm zones
Rising input costs impacting growers
The ABGC is aware growers are feeling the pressure of escalating farm input costs and the impact that this is having on the cost of production.
The issue is complex and influenced by a number of external factors including the spiralling costs of fuel, fertiliser and chemicals which are sourced from overseas, as well as increased farm labour costs, freight and logistics.
Growers absorb input costs and, unfortunately, this is not being reflected at the farmgate.
The ABGC supports calls for retailers and buyers to ensure that farmgate prices that growers receive for their produce better reflect the current economic climate to ensure the financial viability of growers.
The ABGC will continue to work with government and growers on these issues.
The ABGC Communications Team is preparing a social media campaign to increase community awareness to the issue, and encourage/drive consumer consumption.
Check in with market agents
With the current high production levels, growers are reminded that it is best practice to check with your market agents before consigning fruit.
To assist members with decisions, ABGC has Weekly Wholesale Price data on its website here.
Volunteers needed for Feast of the Senses banana stall – Sunday 27 March, 2022
ABGC is looking for volunteers for the banana stall at the Feast of the Senses on Sunday(27 March, 2022).
Anywhere from an hour or more would be appreciated to assist selling the merchandise (t-shirts, hats, coolers etc), making smoothies and guessing the bunch weight.
Those interested should contact Jo Borsato on 0417 611 996 or email c_borsato@bigpond.com
Panama TR4 Program Management Board meeting report
In 2021, the Panama TR4 Program Management Board commissioned three research projects into Panama TR4.
The intention of undertaking this work is to offer the banana industry insights that will assist with future disease management.
Updates relating to two of these projects, including elongation factor (EF) sequencing and e-nose technology can be found in the March 2022 report.
Free sediment management workshops for FNQ growers
Far North Queensland growers are invited to attend one of ABGC’s upcoming sediment management workshops held for free at South Johnstone.
Led by a local grower and soil conservation specialist, this workshop helps growers build on their knowledge of sediment management, whilst providing an opportunity to share on-farm experiences with other growers and vice versa. Spaces are limited to small groups of up to six growers to allow us to provide tailored information and discussion.
Some of the topics covered in the workshop include:
- How soil forms and how it can be lost
- Improving soil health, structure and reducing loss
- Farm planning
- Farmers share knowledge and experience
- Laws and regulations
The next available workshop is Friday 25 March, 2022 (tomorrow), from 12.30pm – 4.00pm. Lunch and refreshments are also provided. More dates will be available over the coming months.
Anyone interested in attending can contact Molly at molly@abgc.org.au or by phone on 0419 602 864.

AgMove subsidies available
Workers moving to take up harvest work are encouraged to take advantage of the available relocation assistance from the Australian Government.
AgMove is an Australian Government initiative that helps with costs for eligible people who relocate to take up short term agricultural work, including harvest work in Australia.
Financial help is available to cover the costs of travel and accommodation when you move to take up a short term agricultural or harvest job opportunity.
For eligibility requirements and the application process, read here
Nematode trial support on offer in FNQ
Do you have burrowing nematode on your farm? Are you thinking about putting in a rotation crop this winter to help manage them?
As part of the National Banana Development & Extension program there is support to conduct some on-farm trials using a non-host rotation crop management system.
Please contact Tegan Kukulies if you are considering a winter fallow and would like some more information – 4220 4152 or tegan.kukulies@daf.qld.gov.au
2023 Nuffield Scholarship applications open
Applications are open for 2023 Nuffield Scholarships.
Each scholarship is valued at $30,000 and Nuffield Australia will award up to 20 scholarships this year.
Nuffield Scholarships are open to farmers, fishers and those in associated industries aged between 28-45.
The bursary allows scholars to spend 14 weeks of travel over two years to study a topic important to the industry. Nuffield Scholars also receive training in communication skills and personal and professional development.
Apply here

Exclude first treat second: Set up your farm zones
Zoning your farm into separate areas (zones) can be one of the easiest and most effective ways to manage movement of vehicles, people and machinery on your farm.
Check out some examples of how growers have implemented zoning on their farms at Zoning – grower practices – Better Bananas.
There is no one size fits all when it comes to on-farm biosecurity – especially with zoning – so help is available from the National Banana Development & Extension Program team on 07 4220 4152 or betterbananas@daf.qld.gov.au
The Better Bananas website has been developed as part of the National Banana Development and Extension Program (BA19004) which is funded by Hort Innovation, using the banana research and development levy, co-investment from the Department of Agriculture and Fisheries and contributions from the Australian Government. Hort Innovation is the grower-owned, not-for-profit research and development corporation for Australian horticulture.