Grower input sought for sustainable energy co-operative

The Australian Bananas Growers’ Council knows sustainability and profitability are important to banana growers.

Equally, ABGC understands the impact rising costs of inputs, like energy, is having on our growers’ ability to remain profitable.

Recognising this, ABGC has joined forces with Maximum Energy to investigate the feasibility of establishing a sustainable energy co-operative.

The initiative

A co-operative would bring together growers who are looking to increase profitability, competitive advantage or reduce emissions through renewable energy transitions. This could involve renewable energy such as wind and solar and emerging technologies like solar PV and battery energy storage systems which are driving energy sharing mechanisms including community energy or virtual power plants.

How growers can participate

Growers are invited to complete a survey on growers’ attitudes towards energy sharing and sustainability and the industry’s current energy needs.

There are 25 short questions and the survey will take around 5 minutes.

Participants will receive feedback on the survey results and be invited to participate in the early stage of a market leading pilot group, at no cost to the grower.

To complete the survey, click here