Environmental BMP

Environmental Best Management Practice

ABGC has secured funding from the Queensland Government Reef Water Quality Program to help growers change practice to better align their farming systems with recommended best practice. This funding includes $750,000 in grants for growers, available from 2020 to 2022.

Grants of up to $30,000 are on offer (with co-funding by the applicant) to assist in making on-farm improvements. Eligible projects include sediment projects such as contour banks, waterway/drainage upgrades, constructed wetland and projects that minimise nutrient loss (i.e. upgrading to an automated fertigation system with scheduling equipment).

To find out more contact the ABGC Reef Extension Team in North Queensland:

Banana Best Management Practice

Since 2013, the Banana BMP has been helping growers to self-assess their own environmental practice against the wider industry. The Banana BMP was written by growers, for growers and can help demonstrate our industry’s ongoing improvements in the areas of soil health and nutrients, sediment control and pest management.

The BMP is available as a single downloadable document or an an interactive online questionnaire that banana growers can do by themselves or with the support of an ABGC Extension Officer.

Download the Environmental Guidelines for the Australian Banana Industry here

Register to do your BMP here if you have not already received a login.

Login to do your BMP and view your Management Plan here.

Reef Regulations

In December 2019, the Queensland Government introduced regulations for the use of nitrogen and phosphorous on banana farms in Reef catchments. This also includes implementing measures that minimise sediment loss from farms. Read more here

Better Bunch app

The Banana industry’s ‘BetterBunch’ app is a time saving device to assist growers to record farm practices. This app has been designed to include the requirements under the new Water Quality regulations.  Find out more here

Managing Your Soil

Your soil is a valuable resource. Poor farm layout, high traffic areas and lack of ground cover can lead to soil losses. The high rainfall in the Wet Tropics means that all soil loss cannot be avoided but some measures can be taken to minimise soil loss or capture it to prevent sediments entering waterways and ultimately the Great Barrier Reef lagoon. Further information can be found here

Integrated Pest Management

Adopting a range of different strategies to manage pest populations is essential. This helps minimise the potential for chemical resistance and ensure that beneficial insects/organisms are not adversely impacted by control mechanisms. Further information can be found here


Learn how to improve your irrigation system. Further information can be found in fact sheets and videos here

Research and Development

A range of research reports for the banana industry can be found here 

Managing Your Nutrients

In December 2019, the Queensland Government introduced regulations to restrict the amount of nitrogen and phosphorous that can be applied on banana farms in Reef catchments. To find out about these regulations and other resources (factsheets/videos) click here

Water Quality

Around 90% of banana farming occurs in catchments adjacent to the World Heritage listed Great Barrier Reef Marine Park. The Reef is under increasing threat from a range of pressures that include the impact of land based run-off associated with agricultural activities. Find out more here